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Future-Proof: The Bathroom Mirrors of Tomorrow

By Rob

26th Mar 2014

3 mins read

Bathroom Ideas

Showcasing the latest in high-tech bathroom mirrors.

Hudson Reed mirror

When you visited your bathroom this morning did you spend any time in front of the mirror? Of course you did! You see a mirror is an integral aspect of any bathroom as it serves many a purpose, from aiding with getting your hair straight, to helping you when tidying up those sideburns. But what if you want something extra from your mirror? Something right at the forefront of modern technology? Read on and we’ll explain some of the cool designs and functions available today that will transform tomorrow.


Mirror, mirror on the wall, who has the best tech of them all?

In terms of technology, there have been many advancements in recent years. Gone are the days when a mirror would be just some reflective glass. Now, there are an abundance of styles and shapes out there, with many of them having wonderful features to choose from.

One of the most practical features many modern mirrors come equipped with is the addition of de-mister pads. These pads are usually located behind the mirror itself, and help to clear any misting much quicker than simply trying to rub it away with a cloth (which always leaves some kind of smudging in my experience). The rapid removal of fogging allows you to use the mirror without trying to tilt your head to the right angle to peer over that one bit of stubborn mist that won’t budge, surely a regular scenario for the majority of bathroom users.

Another useful feature is the addition of lighting. Now, while it’s true that a lit mirror is nothing ground-breaking, nowadays there are some pretty neat concepts out there. LED light integration is becoming a common sight, with backlit mirrors and spotlights along the sides of the glass being such examples of this trend.

But the more impressive looking units feature more creative ways to use lights. Infinity mirrors are eye-catching designs that use numerous LED lights which are arranged in a specific way in order to achieve an ‘infinity’ effect. These items are available with numerous LED colours so you can easily achieve the exact look you have in mind.

Motion sensor lights are another ideal feature as they remove the need to clumsily search for a switch if you’re struggling to see properly during those early morning hours. One of the latest trends is to have a mirror which has colour changing mood lighting situated around its edges. The colours cycle through a set range of hues, adding an extra aura to the room. Besides lighting and de-mister pads, there are also mirrors on the market which have cleverly inserted items such as digital clocks and even Bluetooth technology, allowing you to listen to your favourite tunes when you’re in the shower or going about your daily routine.


Reflect Your Surroundings

With all this talk of technology, it’s easy to get carried away and just decide to go for the highest spec’d mirror you can afford. But, as with any individual bathroom component, you need to assess whether the mirror will actually suit the style of the rest of the room. If you have a contemporary bathroom then an ultra-modern infinity mirror will be an ideal option, however if your bathroom has a more traditional edge, then a colour changing, multi LED lit item is going to look a little out of place.

There are plenty of period influenced mirrors available which feature such technology as de-mister pads and motion sensors that are designed to be sympathetic to these kinds of bathrooms. Pay attention to size and shape when choosing and you should be onto a winner!

Essentially if you want it, chances are there’s a mirror out there that houses exactly the kind of technology you’re looking for. Do some research, find out the specifications you need, and your bathroom will be looking future-proof in no time.



Rob is part of the resident bathroom bloggers team here at Victorian Plumbing. Rob loves writing in depth bathroom buying guides and is renowned for his expert 'how to' step-by-step DIY guides. He can also be found posting about the latest bathroom trends and ideas and also hunting out bargains and savings for our customers.

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