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bathroom chandeliers a new trend
Bathroom Chandeliers: A New Trend?
Want to give your bathroom a bold statement? We uncover the hottest new trend that's sure to dazzle all who see it!

When you picture a chandelier in your mind, you’ll no doubt be thinking of those grand old houses with hugely decorative, priceless examples that hang in hallways making for a truly majestic display. What you probably won’t be thinking of is having one in your own bathroom. But adding a chandelier to your bathroom is a great way to express your creative side, and develop a more unique space. Their affordability means that we’re now starting to see more and more people ditch regular lighting styles in favour of these ornate beauties.
Yes, long gone are the days of chandeliers being exclusive to the exceedingly wealthy, as these days you can pick up a stunning light fitting without having to remortgage the house. This means that bathroom chandeliers are becoming quite popular; we’ve been noticing this growing trend for a while now and we reckon the time’s right to bring you a guide explaining the various styles available and what you should go for. So, without further ado, here’s how to choose the right chandelier for your bathroom.
Make a grand statement
If you want to give your bathroom a dramatic focal point, there’s little that can top fitting a chandelier. But you need to pick one which matches the general style of the room as you want to avoid things looking mismatched or tacky.
While we’re all familiar with those classic crystal designs, you’ll find some stylish alternatives out there. For example if you have a monochrome colour scheme going on then there are some gorgeous black chandeliers that will really bring out the wow factor. Alternatively if you want to be a little more eccentric there are some quirky multi-coloured examples which while we only recommend for the bravest amongst you, may look amazing in just the right environment.
Choosing the right chandelier for your bathroom all comes down to a mixture of both suitability and personal taste. Take your time and consider whether specific examples will look good in your bathroom.
Tip: If you have a large bathroom, why not add some wall mounted mini chandeliers too; many of these are designed to match ceiling versions so they’ll allow you to put a really coordinated look together.
Aren’t all chandeliers the same?
Don’t be fooled into thinking that if you’ve seen one chandelier then you’ve seen them all. Here’s a brief run-down of the various options you have:
- Crystal: While often a little more pricey than other examples, crystal chandeliers are unbeatable when it comes to sheer glamour. Perfect for large, open bathroom spaces.
- Tiered: Some of these designs can be simple, while others can be amazingly complex. They do look fabulous though, and are available in plenty of modern and traditional styles. The more tiers you have, the more grand the appearance; just don’t go too overboard with it!
- Drum: These chandeliers feature lampshades as an integral part of their appearance. They can have numerous shades and the amount of colours available means that coordinating one with your bathroom is easy.
- Candelabra: The great thing about candelabra chandeliers is that they offer a totally unique charm. Their traditional, rustic looks will really look the part in period settings. You can also place some wall or worktop mounted candelabras around the room too to give things a moody, gothic edge.
Is a chandelier the right choice for me?
Adding a chandelier is a great idea if you want a genuine alternative to more conventional bathroom lighting. If you want a luxurious setting that’s brimming with personality then they are definitely worth a look. That being said, we wouldn’t recommend them for every bathroom. Fitting one in a cloakroom or an en-suite for example won’t be very practical, while some rooms just might not suit having one.
We know lots of you will be planning exciting bathroom renovations in the new year, so why not browse our range of stylish chandeliers and throw one into the mix to give your setting a look that’s both original and right on-trend!