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ipad competition winner
iPad Competition Winner
We are happy to announce the winner of our recent iPad Air competition...

And the winner is...
We are always pleased to announce a winner at Victorian Plumbing, partly because it's a nice treat for us to ring somebody with the news that they have won our competition and can soon expect a prize in the post!
Over Christmas, we published details about an exciting chance to win a brand new iPad Air by answering a simple question about Santa Claus' red-nosed navigator. Everyone who answered correctly was entered into a random prize draw with a chance of walking away with the hi tech gadget just in time for Christmas.
The new iPad Air boasts a reduced weight to previous models, making it easier to use for a longer period of time, while still boosting processing speed and managing to be packed with features and apps that make it the best tablet on the market.
The winner of this years festive feature was Jill H of Port Talbot, Wales, who was delighted to learn she was the lucky winner and now proud owner of a fantastic new iPad Air.
We would also like to announce that we have a very special competition coming soon, so keep you eyes peeled, because this one is going to be the biggest giveaway we have ever done!
It is a real joy for us to be able to give such lovely gifts, and there are more winners to be announced soon from our monthly TV giveaway, so don't forget to review your purchase to enter into our prize draw. If you have entered, remember to keep an eye on your phone, as we may be calling you soon!
Thanks for reading!