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wacky and unusual bathrooms
Wacky and Unusual Bathrooms
We're looking at pictures of bathrooms nearly every day, so we sometimes brighten our day up by finding really fun and wacky bathrooms to share. Here are some of our favourites!
The bathroom is quickly becoming the place to be creative, innovative… sometimes even a bit weird and unusual. It is used each and everyday by all of us, with the average visits per person per day being between 7-8. So when it comes to making the bathroom a place that you enjoy visiting, it’s important to design and build something you can call your own, and these bathrooms have certainly done that, and then some. In this blog post we take a look at our favourite unusual bathrooms from around the world and go through what makes them work so well.
We begin this weird and wonderful unusual bathroom journey with a look at Amsterdam's crime fighting street urinal (and it’s not even a superhero). This innovative solution to stopping night time public urinations raises the bar - and raises from the ground - in public toilets. The timer is set for it to rise from the ground at 10pm and lower again at 3am (the time that pub and club goers are out roaming the streets without a toilet in sight), and then blends with the rest of the street during the day.
This next bathroom is tree-mendous (sorry couldn’t help myself). It features a toilet that has been placed inside a Boabab tree, in Zambia. It’s a welcome sight to travelers visiting the Kayila lodge, not because there are no other toilets, but because it’s the best way to get back to nature without going too far from comfort.
If you’re a fan of luxury and elegance in the bathroom, a freestanding bath is a safe bet, but how about a freestanding shoe bath? This particular pair come all the way from Italy and are decorated in hundreds of inch wide mosaic tiles.
If you’re a sufferer of stage fright, I wouldn’t recommend visiting this unusual bathroom on the busy high streets of London. It’s made from 4 walls of one-way mirrors, meaning the user can see everyone and everything outside, but from the outside the glass is an ordinary mirror, meaning all you see is your own reflection.
There is a fine line between cool and quirky, and the downright insane. I think the designers of this bathroom have found that line. Made inside the elevator shaft of a 15 story building in Mexico, the glass bottom floor looks right to the basement. Thankfully, the elevator was never installed and the shaft has never been used… except for a bathroom that is.
This next bathroom is a great example of science and technology (plus it’s just ridiculously awesome). At first the doors seem like they are made of clear glass, but when you enter and close the door the entire door becomes opaque. This is because it uses liquid crystals which naturally disperse light for you not to be able to see through it, but when you apply voltage to it, the crystals align themselves allowing you to see through the door.
There’s a lot of talk of people ‘sleeping with the fishes’ but none going to the loo with them. I suppose it’s a bit of a strange request, but this bathroom is pretty cool regardless. The user is surrounded by an aquarium of all sorts of exotic sea creatures, including a sea turtle. Sadly, it’s a ladies toilet, so men - I’m sorry but you’ll have to go in the sea if you want to get this close.
We have saved the best until last, and this one is an amazing feat of determination, ambition and most importantly, bravery. It may not look much but this is infact the most southern toilet in the world. Yep, it’s in the south pole. It marks just some of the amazing things we are capable of and is a testament to all of the people that have given a lot to go and explore the undiscovered parts of the world. Here’s to you, toilet.