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What is the Ideal Bath Temperature?

By Sarah

18th Sep 2023

3 mins read

DIY & Technical

Is there an ideal bath temperature? We decided to find out...

The ideal bath temperature

Taking a bath is one of life's simple pleasures, but getting the water temperature right can be a challenge. If the water is too hot, it can be uncomfortable and even dangerous, while water that's too cold can leave you feeling a tad chilly. So, what is the ideal bath temperature? Let's explore some tips for getting it just right.

Freestanding bath
A freestanding bath will take your bathing experience to new heights.

Recommended bath temperature

The ideal bath temperature is around 37-38°C (98.6-100.4°F). This is roughly the same temperature as the human body, which means it feels warm and soothing without being too hot or cold.


Factors to consider

The ideal bath temperature can vary depending on a few factors, including your age, health and personal preferences. Here are some things to consider:

  • Young children and elderly people may need a slightly cooler bath temperature to avoid overheating.
  • If you have a fever or other health condition, consult with your doctor about the best bath temperature for your needs.
  • Personal preferences can vary, so experiment with different temperatures until you find the one that's most comfortable for you.
Roll top freestanding bath
For the perfect bathing experience, a roll top tub comes highly recommended.

Tips for achieving the ideal bath temperature

Here are some tips for getting the bath temperature just right:

  • Fit a thermostatic mixer tap to your bath, as this will allow you to set a consistent water temperature every time you use it.
  • If you don't have a thermostatic mixer, use a bath mixer tap instead — it'll do a similar job, although you'll need to test the water temperature as you go (see next tip!).
  • Use a thermometer to measure the water temperature as it pours and before getting in.
  • Add hot or cold water as needed to achieve the desired temperature.
  • Stir the water to ensure that the temperature is consistent throughout the bath.
  • Don't run the water too hot, as this can be uncomfortable and even dangerous.
Bath shower mixer tap
Some bath shower mixer taps can be wall or deck mounted, providing safe, consistent water temperature every time you use it.


The ideal bath temperature is around 37-38°C (98.6-100.4°F), but this can vary depending on your age, health and personal preferences. To achieve the ideal temperature, use a thermometer to measure the water temperature, add hot or cold water as needed and stir the water to ensure consistency. By following these tips, we're sure you'll enjoy a relaxing and comfortable bath experience.

For the very best bathing experience, why not browse our huge range of beautiful, quality baths? From elegant freestanding designs to comfortable yet conventional straight baths that are easy on the purse or wallet, you'll find the perfect tub for your bathroom.

Sarah Victorian Plumbing


Sarah is one of our resident bathroom experts here at Victorian Plumbing. She loves writing helpful bathroom design and DIY articles, as well as detailed buying guides.

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