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Shower Bath Screens Buying Guide

The Ultimate Countertop Basins For Every Bathroom Style


A shower bath would be a bit of a nightmare without a screen or curtain. A shower bath screen is an excellent alternative to a shower curtain as it looks very stylish and easier to clean too!


What is a shower bath screen?

A shower bath screen stops water from escaping or splashing all over your bathroom floor. They can be fixed to the wall or connected to the wall using a hinge mechanism and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes in order to fit the many different shower baths available:


P-shaped or B-shaped shower bath screens

These bath screens are designed with a curve in them to fit p-shaped shower baths and b-shaped shower baths.


L-shaped shower bath screens

L-shaped shower bath screens fit l-shaped baths and usually come with a small hinged piece to avoid water splashing out from the side.


Curved shower bath screens

 A curved shower bath screen is ideal for shower baths with a curved design.


What shower bath screen sizes are available?

Shower bath screens are typically measured in millimetres (mm). They come in a wide range of widths and heights ranging from 730mm to 985mm. The height is usually 1400mm but some are as tall as 1500mm.


How easy are they to install?

Installing a shower bath screen can be quite straightforward although, If you haven't done anything like this before we advise you seek the help of a professional.


Do shower bath screens require much maintenance?

Using a standard cleaner is advised when cleaning your shower bath screen, nothing too strong, and try to wipe down after each use for best results. They're also quite simple to maintain but, keeping them clean will certainly make this job even easier.

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